Our next rapid chess event is on Saturday 10th October.
Go ahead and enter and we will divide players into two sections on the day if we get enough players.
Be on Zoom, please.
6 rounds, 20 minutes + 10 seconds a move, 10am to 4pm latest, fixed round times which start at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm, half point byes available if you can’t make a round or fancy some lunch! We also do proper swiss pairings so you can find your level, and there are no cash prizes.
Not graded or rated, though FIDE rapid ratings are used for pairings / ECF rapid if possible for the kids.
Play under your real name, you play the games on Tornelo, and you must be on camera throughout in the arbiter’s room!
Entry fee is £5.00
Organiser: FIDE International Arbiter & Organiser adamraoof@gmail.com.
Questions? Let me know at adamraoof@gmail.com